In 1887, Sir Sayyad Ahmed Khan had begun to stress that Hindus and Muslims constituted two separate nations in India on account of diversant studies in Islamic culture. There is no record that Hindu who ruined their own community requirements, ever talked against it. Few reformists movement like Brahmo Samaj in Bengal and Prarthana Samaj in Maharshtra have done a little, but the most powerful reformist efforts were made by Swami Dayanand Saraswati; founding father of Aryan Samaj, whose stress on Vedanta. Bankim chandra Chattopadhaya in 1872 wrote “VANDE MATATAM”, while Swami Vivekanand propagated the greatness of our faith to the westerners oversea. It was up to 1919, those who were never classed as Muslims or were the half Muslims as they followed Hindu traditions came to be classed as Muslims and Shari at, except for giving punishments to Muslims criminals came to be applied to them under Muslims Personal Law ( Shari at ) Application Act. This act promulgated by Jinnah insistent by the Britishers under the guise of Divide and Rule Policy was retreated further after Khalifat Movement of Mahatma Gandhi to become popular and provided the seal of certification by Maulana Jawaharlal Nehru after gaining independence through bloodshed of majority of Hindus and proven to be the first step against national integration after partition of our sub continent in two parts.
Gandhi’s language was mild but his feelings were strong. His physically being thrown out of rail compartment at Pietermarityburg in 1912 was perhaps unforgettable to him through out his life. Thus, in his struggle against imperial powers he tried to unite Hindus and Muslims and in this process his target was Sultan of Turkey being angelicised for Khalifa being the spiritual and temporal head of Islam . Thus, when Hindus and Muslims were to agitate, it was perceived that Britishers may lend a sympathic ear from which may ensure peace and harmony. This was the correct perceptions of Gandhian ideology. Since minority appeasement at sophisticated level with pseudo secularist media by the soft Hindutva crowd has given effect to rise over the suppressed community of slaves amongst Muslims, during the partitions, the same feeling of seeing their nation as Dar-ul-Islam, has led to the partition. The godless Dravidian parties have shriller atheistic rhetoric became louder to refer Ram as non-exist while Hanuman as monkey and Ganesha as elephant to hurt Hindu sentiments while protecting Virgin birth and divine revelition of Bible and Quran. Rushdie’s satanic verses has been banned in regional drive of Tamils. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in this context in his writings and speeches that whatsoever may be the Gandhian ideology, his obsessed in belief that Hindu- Muslim unity is essential, has led out to sacrifice Hindu interest, Hindu honour and Hindu blood. It would be well if Mahatma Gandhi could visit Malabar in 1921 to see the ghastly horrors, which were created by his preachings of himself and Mohammad Ali and Shaukat Ali. Thousands of knives were secretly hidden and the rebellion broke out on August 20, when khilofat flags were hoisted on Police stations. Wilful murders of Hindus and arsons were begun on 29th Nov. 1921 at Chembrasscri Thangan. Thus, the truth is infinitely of more paramount importance during partition of India, then Hindu- Muslim unity. Young India of 29th Sept. 1921 quote, “ we have forgetten the divine out of dine for our faiths without relations………..The Hindus must have the courage and the faith to feel that they can protect their religion inspite of such fanatical eruptions. It is estimated that in the course of rebellion, 600 Hindus were killed and 2500 Hindus forcibly converted to Islam. Judge rebuke to the Muslims of Kohat, had observed that if Muslims kidnap a women and make her embrace Islam when she does not know the Kalama, how she can become a Muslim ? In such situation whether a Hindu will not beg in defending her or to take her back into Hindu fold which was opposed to the Gandhian philosophy. Abdul Rashid murdered on 23rd Dec. 1926 of Swami Shraddhanand when Swami recovered from pneumonia, the miscreants entered his home and killed him with a dagger. Rashid community collected funds to pay Asaf Ali, in whose memory the Asaf Ali marg is named in Delhi. He was sentenced to death, but his funeral procession was joined by 50,000 Muslims for earning merit for the soul of Abdul Rashid as the Allah may give him a place in Ala-e-illeeyeen ( seventh heaven) so is the feeling for Mohammad Afzal who made the parliament attack. The destruction of temple has been looked as crowning glory of Islam over idolatry. The idol broker will go to heaven. On Ist April, 1950, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee resigned and thereafter he made Bhartiya Jansangh Party as Nehru’s neglect of Bengalis has led to an agitation. The Bengalis Hindu were against Nehru apathy when criminal assaulted on their women, then Tiger of Bengal raised his hand and stepped forward. Maulana Azad was unmasked when he issued a Fatwa in favour of Hizrat. He said, “Muslim, who cannot migrate immediately to Pakistan should help the migrant (Muhajirin). Now the Christian Chief Minister in the State of Andhra Pradesh namely Shri Y. Samual Rajshekhar Reddy has got 34000 Hindu temples taken under his Government control, in which Tirupati Balaji temple is converting on ideological Christianity. Even the blessing to the pilgrimage authored in the shape of food articles is under the domain of a Christian. All the picture of goddess Venkatesh are replaced by pictures of Jesus Christ in Padmawati university, whose highest priest namely the Vice-Chancellor is a Christian namely Smt. Veena Mogal. Recently the Kerala Government run by a Christian has prohibited the entry of Hindu organisation known as Sanatanvahini created by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, which is the cause of resentment of Hindu Janjagrit Samiti at Varanasi . It is a matter of great conern that the central Govt. being run by a Christian lady namely Sania Manio of turin @ Sonia Gandhi wife of Late Sri Rajiv Roberto “Gandhi” has provided another rift between Hindu and Muslim by given effect to Sachchar Commission on the policy of reservation to the Muslims based upon the religion, which is prohibited in the basic structure of the constitution of India. Thus the extinguishing Hindu religion is perpetuating the expansion of Christianity. Such control has been excluded from Muslim monuments, which get the substantial income from the earning Hindu, Jain, Sikkh, Boudh and Parsi temples. Every one knows this fact that the butchers under the false protext of sacrifice on Bakar-id slaughter about 10 Millions goat, 5 millions Sheeps, 1 million cow and 50000 camels every year and thereby providing a threat to the ecology and environment. There has been the prohibition even for entering in side the masque to the Hindu while their income being donated upon the diety is flourished in the shape of the training provided in Madarsha to convert Dar-ul-herb as Dar-ul-e Islam. We should remember the past when Hindus were subjected to behave like a Jimmi and were required to pay the taxes of Jakat simply for carrying upon their traditions and rituals. The condition of Kashmiri Hindus who have become migrant to the adjoining place on account of terror created in Kashmir is not the thing of past where even to speech for the contribution of Mahatma Gandhi by Sri Gulam Navi Azad Chief Minister of J & K is providing the symbol of protest from the radical fundamentalists known as Las-k-re Tohiba and its protector in our nation.
The continuation of dynastic rule by Gandhi era has become consciously or unconsciously the foreign Rule. No one Single handedly may elect the representative of the voter to the electoral college. The concept of spirit inherently personal choice of the voter to get their representatives in electoral college has been completely vanished. Exercise of liberty vote is overburdened with !) to evaluate expression less action performance at the behest of the people in power2)to select the candidate as representatives from the limited choice imposed upon the voters by party system 3) to express their adult franchises like a illiterate voters amongst the limited choice between the rascals nominated by party as god fathers mainly on the basis of money power or by choosing an idiot, who may be ruled with remote control even on the post of President and Prime Minister 4) Criminals may be given free hand to take a political decision under the garb of appeasement 5) Nehru- Gandhi nexus which remain responsible for creation of Pakistan has again risen their heads to divide India , Pakistan and Bangla Desh in many Segmentations. This is virtually the Concept of Rule of majority vote. The country is being dismantled after more than a half century of nation building. On 26th January, 1950, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar said that India will become Independent Country. India has been lost by it’s infidelity and treachery by some of our own people. The invasion of Sind by Invader Momd. Bin Kasim as the Military commanders of King Dahar accepted the Bribes and they refused to fight. It was Jai Chandra “Arjun”, who invited Mohammad Ghori to invade Sri Prithivi Raj Chauhan and promised help of himself and of the King Solanki. History has been repeated in case of Afzal again. Their will be another hijacking of Plane to get him release. The attackers on the Court premises are well protected by these traitors living in our country and killing the so called infidels under the banner of Jihad?. Our independence , after creation of Pakistan is again in jeopardize and probably we may loose it forever On 23rd Feb. 2000 , Sri K.R. Narayanan, President of India promulgated “ The National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution by a message:- Right of vote under universal adult Franchise gives Right and opportunity to participate Every men in Democratic process and select a Govt. However we all know that the election system in India may not get the rid to the system of Corruption, Crimilisation , money, nepotism , favoritism and Muscle power. Home Minister of India accepts in 2002: - There are the defect in election system, but it is difficult to blame for it to the Government, it’s officers, and to the Political Parties. Sri Bimal Jalan said that Common Citizen is concerned about Administrative apathy, Corruption and failure to provide Promised benefit to the poor Farmers. India is ranking Highest in the Global corruption level of World. Here is dismal Ranking in Human Development. We may see poverty as the caste to the people is placed above for elimination of poverty, alleviation, hunger, Illiteracy and health. This problem is Systemic and never projected like Episodic to the people. We are losing control of our most important industries. As we give up domestic ownership of our assets, we lose the most exciting and challenging jobs, which too often move to the new corporate headquarters outside India- and young people who want those jobs must follow. It's part of the brain drain. In effect, India has become a victim of "Globalization". We are told this process is both inevitable and good. It is only inevitable if we let it happen. It is only good for twenty percent of the world's richest and most powerful people. It is bad for the vast majority. We need debate for participation of 1000 people for electoral college candidates in future election process to come forward and eliminate the monopoly of limited Choice for selecting the representatives by the voters. There must be the implementation of systematic Solution , even at the cost of absurdity and obsessive- ness in the defective system. We have to search the effect- cause and relationship in reformative trends. There may be some strategy to represent majority of farmers for making a proposal to provide them the cost of International Market. There may be tortuous liability and lesser faire policy of functioning be made accountable. Let criminals may know that Crime is a bad Bargain to them. The license Quota System be abolished and Religious activities be prohibited on public Premises as secularity of nation in Multifarious religious country be maintained.
Gandhi ji’s letter dated New Delhi 27/28th June 1947 to Lord Mountbatten. On the question of Partition, he made a significant observation: “You startled me again by telling me that, if the partition had not been made during British occupation, the Hindus being the major party would have never allowed partition and held the Muslims by force under subjection. I told you that this was a grave mistake. The question of numbers was wholly untenable in this connection. I cited the classic example of less than one hundred thousand British soldiers holding India under utter subjection. You saw no analogy between the two instances. I suggested the difference was only one of degree. I place the following for your consideration: “(a) The Congress has solemnly declared that it would not hold by force any Province within the Union. “(b) It is physically impossible for millions of caste ridden Hindus to hold well-knit though fewer millions of Muslims under subjection by force. “© It must not be forgotten that Muslim dynasties have progressively subjected India by exactly the same means as the English conquerors later did. “(d) Already there has been a movement to win over to the Muslim side the so-called scheduled classes and the so-called aboriginal races. “(e) The caste Hindus who are the bugbear are, it can be shown conclusively, a hopeless minority. Of these the armed Rajputs are not yet nationalists as a class. The Brahmins and the Banias are still untrained in the use of arms. Their supremacy where it exists is purely moral. The Sudras count, I am sorry, more as scheduled class than anthing else. That such Hindu society by reason of its mere superiority in numbers can crush millions of Muslims is an astounding myth.
It is impossible that Jawaharlal Nehru and other leaders of the Congress were unaware of t he factual position stated by Gandhi. What was then the raison de’tre for special minority rights to the Muslims and Christians in the Indian Constitution against an emasculated Hindu majority? Another, and more important, question is, if Gandhi knew Hindu weakness as he stated to Mountbatten, why did'nt he first try to remove Hindu weaknesss and strengthen the Hindu society in which he was born? Didn't he know that, in the event the British leave India, the more powerful Muslim community would forcibly snatch political power to itself and leave Hindus in a state of slavery as the latter had been in the medieval period? Gandhi’s secularism always aimed at destruction of Hindus at the hands of Muslims. Paswan’s secularism advocates a Muslim Chief-Minister in Bihar. Arjun’s secularism believes in distorting our history. Numerous such pseudo secularists have always been active to destroy the Hindus. Mulayam’s secularism impels him declare holiday in U.P. on last Friday of Ramjan. Mulayam, Pasvan and even Nitish Kumar throwing Iftaar parties to Muslims and wearing muslim caps on their heads shamelessly is the burning example of pseudo secularism.The irony is that their secularism erupts only when the interests of the non-Hindus are involved. Thousands of Hindus being murdered in Mopla and Naokhali riots before partition, lakhs of Hindus being butchered and crores suffering displacement during partition in 1947 did not make a dint on any of these secularists. Thousands of Hindus being slain in Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir and lakhs being rendered refugees in their own motherland did not shake the soul of the secularists. Conversion of Bangladesh from a secularist to an Islamic nation in 1979 did not perturb these secularists nor did the planned elimination of Hindus in Bangladesh and Pakistan caused qualms of conscience to them. The kar-sewaks burnt alive in Godhra doesn’t make any difference to these secularists, but its reaction in the form of Gujarat riots is termed as a “blot” on humanity. The exploitation of the lower castes at the hands of the privileged ones fomented hatred amongst the denizens of the country and weakened the Hindu race. Further, the Hindus being divided on caste lines in the past, the responsibility to fight and protect the country from foreign invaders was solely put on the Kshatriyas. This gave the others an excuse to shy away from the duty to sacrifice for the country. Whenever there was any attack, it was the Kshatriyas who were to face the brunt. Many a time their short number or non-availability of fighter-Kshatriyas lead to their defeat in wars.
Secularism (or pseudo-secularism?) has done immeasurable harm to Hinduism. The selfish Hindu leadership, both religious & political, is always eager to compromise the interest of Hindus for transient gains, in the name of secularism, without realizing the harm caused to the religion in the long run. Is this secularism not applicable to Muslims? Never does a Muslim ever talk of respect to the other faiths. The Muslim invaders exercised every atrocity to finish the Hindu race. They believed in dar-ul-Islam (converting the whole human race into Islamism). The only language they know is jehad and for them jehad denotes just killing qafirs i.e. everyone who does not follow Islam. The objective of dar-ul-Islam is very much alive even today. The whole world today is under the perpetual threat of Muslim fundamentalism.
Muslim invaders looted & demolished thousands of temples and erected mosques over them, but redeeming Ram Temple from underneath Babri mosque is the “blackest day”. It is a well known historical fact that the Muslim invaders exercised every atrocity on the native Hindus. They attacked us. They looted wealth, slaughtered innocent people, converted Hindus to Islam at the point of sword. They kidnapped our women and raped them with pride. They broke temples and erected mosques over them. They even decked idols of those temples in the stairs to humiliate Hindus. Famous historian P.N. Oak claims that the so called Muslim monuments in India were originally the Hindu buildings. The Muslim invaders plundered them, captured them, broke them, sacrileged them and converted them into Muslim monuments. The Hindus, instead of considering them a stigma on the national honour take pride in calling them national monuments. Millions of rupees are spent on their maintenance. Some have been given the status of heritage buildings. A community of self honour would never accept such humiliation like this. Time and again Commissions have been constituted to convict, by hook or crook, the accused of the 1984 Delhi riots and 2002 Gujarat riots even after their acquittal by the courts of law. On the other hand, terrorists like Wassan Singh Zaffarwal and Jagjit Singh Chouhan deserving severe punishment have gone scot-free for want of proof and it did not impel any secularist to deplore such acquittal and seek re-trial. Mushrooming madrasas in the country indulging in anti-India activities does not worry these secularists but they have the audacity to term the activities of RSS and VHP as anti-nation. For them, religion-based reservation for the Muslims in AMU is not an anti-national act, but the alleged discrimination in relief-distribution to the quake-hit in Bhuj surely perturbs these secularists. 5% reservation for Muslims in A.P. awaiting emulation by Bihar and many other State Governments is another burning example of their secularism. Pampering the Muslims at the cost of the Hindus is an unpardonable sin, which cannot be forgiven by any rational and nationalist Indian. It is nothing but a political gimmickry for appeasement of Muslims to garner their votes, which has rendered the Hindus orphans in their own land. The coming generations of ours are being recklessly thrown to a disadvantageous position. The virtual slavery is inevitable for us. Prophet Mohammed’s picture (cartoon) in a Danish newspaper attracted protest from Muslims all over the world. Conversely, you can amply see Hindu leaders neutralising efforts of their own brothers doing something for Hindu welfare and blaming of violating secularism. It is nothing but a cheap effort to earn momentary & transient acclaim from others. On the contrary, the leaders of other faiths fighting collective, forgetting their political differences, definitely fetches them tangible results. The above-mentioned points prove that the Hindus are dead race with impotent leaders. They are no better than sheep and goats. They take pride in being driven like cattle by others. The selfish Hindu leaders see nothing beyond their myopic ends. The meek & selfish Hindus are sure to extinct one day.
Exhortation for waging of Jihad, An instrument of securing a source of revenue for protecting and promoting Islam came to the light in British period by Mohammad Ali Jinnah who persuaded the legislative council in united India to pass the Wakf act of 1913. Wakf display that the temple turned Mosques are the evil fruit of plunder and loot and pro Masjid moves and are thus fraught with danger. It proved to be the savior of these obsolete and discriminatory institutions. The four British judges in their judgment in 19th late century described as the Wakf as the perpetuity of the worst and the most pernicious kind and as such wakf to be invalid and void. There is no Wakf in Turkey, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon, Syria, Jordon and Iraq but it is still recognized by Indian Government. The final report of the Wakf inquiry committee was published in 1976 by Begum Indira Gandhi ( Mamoona after marriage with Firoj Khan S/O Nawab Khan of Junagarh having Grave near Anand Bhawan alias Firoj Gandhi and Mohammad Yunus ) Ministry of Law, Justice and company affairs describing that Sahajahan made Wakf in favour of Taj mahal and he himself became Multiwall of the said Wakf even after being imprisoned by his own son Aurangzeb just after the conversion of the Shiva Temple in the Majar of Anjuman Bano Jilani whose feet were tied up from a cord as she may not deliver her 14th child and was buried in Behrampur (M.P.) on 16th June 1629. How the Taj Mahal Started construction in 1633 as is being displayed by the Archeological Survey of India in their purported appeasement to the Muslim voters. Except the Quran scripts on the marble Eight Dimension Structure, Tridents,” OM” inscription, Kalash, Graves Plants, Lotus, Swastika and Scientific Carbon Dating of the Doors inside 6th Story Mahal having upper storey of Marvel Temple Constructed as TEJO-MAHALIA by JAT RULER Raja Paramini dev and Minister Shulkan ( There were 28 Sanskrit verses written with the gold having the prove of the temple of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva and authorship vested to than Jat Rulers still lying in Lucknow Museum) , there is no symbol for claiming and calling Taj Mahal as the Muslim Monuments.
As per Frederick Douglass, “The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” India’s consistent policy of appeasement and of surrendering before its tormentors has resulted in genocide and eviction of Hindus from Kashmir.It is tragic that Kashmir, the land of Maharishi Kashyap, Lalitaditya, Kota Rani, Abhinavagupta and Kalhan; the cradle of Vedic heritage; and which was Hindu land with no Muslim presence, and which defeated Muslim invaders heroically for many centuries has been made a Hindu-less region.And to compound Hindu humiliation and disgrace, allotment of 40 hectares of forest land in May, 2008 to Shri Amarnath Shrine Board to provide temporary shelter for pilgrims visiting Amarnath shrine in Kashmir has been cancelled by the government on July 1, 2008 due to violent protests from Kashmiri Muslims who celebrated the cancellation as a “great victory”.Kashmiri leaders have opposed the allotment of land to Amarnath Shrine on the absurd ground that it is a conspiracy to reduce the Muslims to a minority in Kashmir. Stiff opposition to the said land allotment by Muslim majority Kashmir sends the perverse message that in secular India, Hindu-majority areas belong to everyone but Muslim-majority areas belong to Muslims only. Amarnath cave, the abode of Lord Shiva, is one of the oldest and most important Hindu pilgrimage centres. It is situated at an altitude of about 4000 metres in Kashmir. During 1980s and 1990s, Pakistan-sponsored terrorists killed thousands of Hindus in Kashmir, and drove out several lakhs of terrorized Hindus from Kashmir; and made Kashmir a Hindu-less region. Successive governments have done nothing to rehabilitate Hindus in Kashmir; and to punish their tormentors. Most of the Kashmiri Muslims treat J&K as an Islamic State in a ‘secular’ India, and treat Hindu pilgrims to Amarnath as tress passers. Kashmiri Muslims opposed this allotment of land since it was meant to provide shelters for Hindu pilgrims. The government capitulated before the violent protestors and revoked the allotment. This outrageous action shows pathetic plight of Hindus in their own country. Though ‘secularism’ implies separation of religion and State, and though a ‘secular’ State cannot reward or punish the people on the basis of their religious affiliation, ‘secularism’ practised in India means anti-Hinduism. With sub-zero temperatures, heavy rains and stormy weather during Amarnath pilgrimage, some basic facilities like shelters for the pilgrims on way to shrine are a must. The holy cave is accessible only during a short duration every year. Besides, many Amarnath pilgrims have been attacked and killed by terrorists in Kashmir. Fallacious pretensions advanced by Kashmiri leaders that the said lease of land would change the demography and “eco-cultural character” of the state are absurd. It is ludicrous to imagine that provision of temporary shelters to Amarnath pilgrims would reduce Muslims to a minority in Kashmir, or would destroy the environment. On the contrary, genocide and eviction of Hindus has made Kashmir a Hindu-less region. Opposition to allotment of land for Hindu pilgrims is described by Kashmiri leaders as ‘Kashmiri Nationalism’ thereby implying that Kashmir is meant only for Muslims. Most of Kashmiri leaders support pro-Pakistan demands like joint Indo-Pak control of Kashmir, demilitarisation of Jammu & Kashmir, legalizing Pakistani currency and open borders. Compare the Hindu pilgrim’s pathetic plight with the amenities provided by Central and State Governments to Indian Haj pilgrims. Indian government provides substantial subsidy to Muslims for Haj though even none of the 57 Muslim countries gives any such subsidy. Delhi airport has a separate Haj terminal. And there is a separate Haj cell in the ministry of external affairs. And many state governments have got Haj houses built on land provided by state governments. And Indian government ensures proper accommodation and safety of Indian Haj pilgrims in Saudi Arabia. Special teams of doctors, nurses and Haj officers are sent from India to Saudi Arabia to take proper care of Indian Haj pilgrims. In contrast, Hindus have been denied even temporary shelters to save them from heavy rain and snow when they visit their holy places in their own country. Shocking message from Kashmir deserves a deterrent and resolute response. Being a part of secular India, Kashmir cannot be just for Muslims. The blunders of retaining Article 370 in the constitution, and not punishing the criminals who killed thousands of Hindus and drove out lacs of Hindus from Kashmir, are responsible for the catastrophe called ‘Kashmiri Nationalism’. Daily Pak-Bangla terrorist and demographic invasion of India shows India’s pathetic plight. To save truncated India from demolition and dismemberment, Hindus have to discard their conceptual confusion and dream world; and become active and assertive. Deplorable situation must be redeemed at the earliest. Lacs of Kashmiri Hindus (who have been driven out of Kashmir) must be rehabilitated in Kashmir; and their homes, lands, properties and places of worship restored to them. Besides, since too much fraud has been perpetrated in the name of fake ‘secularism’, Article 370 must be deleted to enable Indians from the rest of India to settle in Kashmir the way Kashmiri Muslims are permitted to settle in the rest of India. After these measures are taken, no one will have the audacity to attack Hindu pilgrims or sabotage Hindu pilgrimages in Kashmir. Much of the injury Hindus are suffering is self-inflicted because of their capitulation before their tormentors. They must remember Shloka number 2.3 of Bhagvad Gita and fight for justice through all peaceful, constitutional and lawful means, “Klaibyam ma sama gamah Partha naitatava yupapadyate / Khshudram hrudaya dourbalyam tayaktvo uttishtha prantapa” (O Partha, do not yield to weakness. It is not worthy of you to yield to weakness. O scorchers of foes, shake off faint-heartedness, and get up).
It is interesting to find that the commonly agreed classification of atmospheric layers supports the Quranic information and it is beyond mere interest when we evaluate it together with all other scientific remarks in the Quran. Even if the reader does not find this classification persuasive, then he or she may subscribe to the alternative understanding that the figure seven expresses a plurality, without bringing any change in the miraculous significance of the verse. This double meaning of “seven layers” thus leaves no loopholes. Separating the atmosphere into harmonious layers is a modern discovery. The level of scientific knowledge at the time of the descent of the Quran did not permit making differentiation between the layers of atmosphere. Verse 12 of sura 41 reads: “So He ordained them seven heavens (skies) in two days (periods) and revealed in every heaven its affair...” making it clear that every layer served a different purpose, thanks to which life on earth was possible.
Abdul Rahman Antulay, Union Minister for Minority Affairs, who is an Islamic leader and Congress politician from Maharashtra, is one of the most important pro-Jihadi in the Sonia lead Congress government in New Delhi. Antulay is not merely the bridge between Sonia and Islamic mafia, but he is also the progenitor of the underworld Islamic mafia in Mumbai. Under his regime in Mumbai, the notorious Islamic mass murderer and mafia don Dawood Ibrahim was able to establish his criminal empire. Abdul Rahman Antulay made an erroneous and accusatory statement in Parliament that Hindu activists may be responsible for the murder of Maharashtra ATS Chief Hemant Karkare. His false accusation of innocent Hindus, the victims of Jihadi terrorism is utterly without merit. His diversionary tactic is a deliberate attempt to mentally misdirect the gullible public from the colossal failure of the Sonia government. The baseless allegation simply is attributed to save inept, corrupt and indifferent Congress ministers. Equally misleading is his malicious attempt to depict peace loving Hindus as the chief architects of the Jihadi massacre in Mumbai. Antulay is a point man for Sonia to hoodwink the public. His malicious statement is a psychological ploy to cover up the Congress government’s dereliction of responsibilities and misconduct in safe guarding life and liberty of citizens. Like an apocalyptic Islamic terrorist, Antulay is suffering from a peculiar malignant Islamic madness. His accusatory statement is, in fact, an attempt to avoid recognition of the darkness and Islamic hatred within him. The portrayal of Hindus as wild animals destroying lives is sheer Islamic Al-Taquiea. With this false diversionary ploy, the Antulay Islamic gang is systematically undermining India’s ability to defend itself against Islamic terrorists. Antulay’s Islamic political double game is nothing new. During his administration in Maharashtra, he encouraged pro-criminal Islamic values and endorsed Islamic smugglers, and Jihadi mafia gang in Mumbai.
Muslim in history of Bangladesh who openly advocated for the diplomatic relationship between Dhaka and Telaviv and opposed islamist terrorism exposing nexus between radical islamist political parties and terrorist groups Al-Queda and HUJI. His advocacy for Israel put him before danger and he was branded as an agent of Israel as Dr Richard Benkin his link between Israel and Bangla desh. He has been tortured by government agencies of Bangladesh on various occasions and two years back he was able to come out of jail only because of efforts of Dr Richard Benkin and some congress men in America. But sword is still hanging on his head which was visible when notorious armed force of Bangladesh RAB abducted him on gun point on March 18 2008 and insulted him in abusive language. It was again efforts of Dr Richard Benkin and some congress men in American congress which insured his safe release but his police protection has also been withdrawn in March. Government of Bangladesh has charged him with treason and sedition and if those charges proved he would be given death penalty. On 11th June when I received email form Salahuddin I got my eyes wet imaging the horrific anti climax of his struggle. Salahuddin Shoaib choudhary is not fighting for himself only his fight belong to all of us who are worried for the safe and free world as well as safe future for our next generation. What a paradox with South Asia on the one hand a terrorist who was responsible for attack on Indian parliament and who been executed to death penalty from lower court to Supreme court of India is pleading for clemency and due to Muslim appeasement Indian Government headed by Congress and Left are trying hard to delay the execution of Mohammad Afzal and on the other hand government of Bangladesh is trying hard to execute a moderate voice in Islam to appease Islamists in their own country. This contrast with similarity reflects the moral bankruptcy of South Asian countries and their submission to Islamist terrorism and Muslim appeasement. We have bitter experience of our neighbor countries with lack of democracy and respect for dissent voice. We have Pakistan and now Bangladesh which have fallen in the hands of Islamist forces and radical Islamist political parties in the grab of pseudo democracy not only protecting these forces but also nourishing them. In this critical phase if one moderate voice within Islamism has emerged we should protect and preserve it. Salahuddin is a victim of Islamism as we have earlier Salman Rushdie, Taslima Nasrin, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan and Ali Sina in this category. Salahuddin is a man who is ray of hope in this fight against Islamist terrorism and world can not afford to loose these kinds of warriors who are challenging the hegemony of Islamism within Islam. From last four issues of his weekly magazine he is writing a series of articles on Islamist terrorism with wide and deep information’s of base of Al-Queda and other terrorist networks in several parts of the world. For last few years Islamist terrorism has taken a new shift and south Asia has emerged as new hub of terrorism with Pakistan and Bangladesh as new gravity centre. Since 9\11 every major terrorist incident which happened across the world whether it is Europe or other parts of the world has role of Pakistan based terrorist groups as well as Bangladesh. Terrorism has grown to such proportion as it has gone out of hand and new strategy needed to tackle it properly. This new strategy is based on alliance against terrorism. This alliance could become reality once all terror affected civilizations and moderate voice among Islamic world come close together. In this new era of information it has become very easy to search our allies and be in touch with them. Dr Richard Benkin and Salahuddin are discovery of this new technology for me. Need of the hour is to rally behind Salahuddin in his critical phase to boost his morale. Salahuddin is not fighting only for his survival his success or defeat is going to decide our fate also as whether we would be able to preserve a moderate voice among Islam and pave the way for democratization of Islamic society in south Asia or not. We can defend him by our will power and academic efforts also. We should flood the embassy of Bangladesh in our country with petitions registering protest against immoral and autocratic stand of that country with predetermined trial of an innocent fighter against Islamism only to appease Islamist lobby.
The nude Painting of Bharat made by M.F. Hussain is an Art . The Majority of the Orignal Bhartiya’s , Those who had made the Symbol of Bharat Mata with beautiful inspiring cloths , feel shamed and hearted while looking the nude Bharat Mata Painting that is Mother of the whole World . And it is but natural . They even taken it as a great insult of Nation and her natives . Here one thing more is to be considerable that Arya-Khalsa- hindu people believe in making the Idols of their great personalities for the taking inspiration from them . But the Muslim’s of the world according to their Quran believe in Destroying the Idols and their followers with deep hate . After going through the Nation’s history we came to know that Muslims and their invader ancestors had destroyed 20,000 Temples with un-countable Idols and still they destroying them during riots . As their Mugal ancestors M.F.Hussain also following the orders of Quran is Insulting and Defaming the ditties of Hindus in the name of Art. Idol believers are called Mushirks in Quarn . Mushirks are worst type of creasers according to Quran .They are given only two alternatives either Islam or Death . According to T.P.Hughes Muslim Dictionary Mushirk means Idol believers . Today Muslims are also following it . For more information you can read the following Aayats of Quran Sura 2:Aayat 165, Sura9:Aayat 5,111, Sura29: Aayat 17, Sura 98: Aayat 1,6 , Sura 109: Aayat 1-6 . (read the translation of these Aayats from Quran Edition 1 November 2004 translated by Dr. Mohmd.Ahmed & Mohmd Faruq Khan published by M. S. S Abul Fazal Enclave Jamia-Nagar Delhi-25) The Chief Justices and so called secular leaders should know that the Malicious M.F.Hussain has not Painted nude Painting’s of the Bharat Mata but also Painted nude Paintings of Durga , Saraswati, Parvati , Sita , Ram and Hanuman ji only to Defame Hindu, Hindu-Dharam and Hindusthan . For more knowledge of judges and readers we want to disclose that this crooked M.F.Hussain has Painted a oil painting in which Hindu Scholar is shown nude but a Muslim fellow with beautiful dress . With these Historical Quranic evidences , It has proved that the nude Paintings made by Traitor M.F.Hussain is not the symbol of Art but the symbol of hate against Hindu-Dharam . If any artist thinks that the showing of nude Paintings of well dressed civilized personalities of a Nation is an Art would M.F.Hussain praises the nude Paintings of his own Mother,Wife and Sister made by any Arya-Khalsa- Hindu Artist ? Would he feel happy to see the nude Painting of Mohammed and his nine wives made by any Swiss Artist ? So this type of dirty Artist M.F.Hussain is a great Curse on the behalf of Aryavart that is Bharat . This type of dirty crasher should get severe Punishment for Molesting Bharat-Mata symbol and the great Personalities of the Nation . What do you expect from traditionally meat eating Kashmiri Brahmins, who have produced Nehru’s etc. same applies to traditionally fish eating Bengali Brahmins. They are Ravan of the Sat Yug Time. Hate them and expose them. So it is not surprising that Islam is taking over those areas. Since Brahmins should be setting example for Hindus to follow, fallen Brahmins are disaster for the areas they are from. When Gulab Singh took over Kashmir most of the Muslims in Kashmir, who were forcibly converted to Islam by successive Muslims, wanted to convert back to Hinduism and Gulab singh also wanted that to happen. It is tooth and nail opposition from Kashmiri Pundits that prevented it from happening. Now we are complaining about losing Kashmir. Other important thing is discipline and commitment rather than numbers are important. In long term your attempt will fail in the same manner as Secularists attempts to unite Hindu Muslims, because of inherent contradictions. What Hindus need is to take pride in their religion, support social reformers like Gandhijis etc. who accept image worship, reject religious compromisers. I am equally, if not more, pained to know Delhi High Court Justice Sanjay Kaul's verdict in favour of the most hateful painter M.F. Husain. This Husain has committed greater iconoclasm with his brush than Aurangzeb and other Mohammedan invaders did with their hammers and tongs on Hindu temples in the medieval period. This is all due to the anti-Hindu regime right since 1947. Attacks on Hindus and Hindu icons is likely to be more in the coming period. Kaul's verdict that Husain's opposition is by "largely ignorant crowd" is indicative of his madness. Greater shame is, however, on the huge Hindu organizations, like the RSS and the VHP, who swear by Hindu Dharma, Hindu culture and pose to be their greatest protectors and promoters. The case was largely lost because only a junior advocate presented the Hindu case, while renowned senior advocates pleaded in favour of Husain. The said Hindu organizations kept themselves out of the picture. You ought to know that in India it is not the merit of the case but the status of the lawyers which decide the cases in courts of law.
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