All the three faiths do not bring within its embrace, all humans tied together as the fellow humans. Therefore, these sects create within the society and narrow circles of brotherhood based on the fellowship of the followers only. Whereas, religion as followed by the humans should have a tendency of uniting the entire human society under some special social code. The above named Semetic faiths divide the society into narrow sects. This is very much unlike the ancient Aryan’s Sanatan Dharma about which India’s every sacred religious scripture speck in terms of 1. Vasudevam Kutumbkam 2. Sarva Dharma Sambhava 3. Vasudevam Kutumbkam means that the whole world is one family. Sarva Dharma Sambhava means it is possible to accommodate all faiths and religions at the same time.
The followers of Judaism called the Jews have their holy city in Jerusalem. Christianity came out of Judaism. Lord Jesus was its cause. Its holy place of birth is at Bethlehem presently in Israel. Somehow, there were some differences in the contents of the Old Testament and the propogatory statement of Lord Jesus. Some Jews were opposed to the same. A governor appointed on behalf of the ruler of Rome in Bethlehem was led to prosecute and hang Lord Jesus on the Cross. However, a few followers of Lord Jesus continued to spread his message. Three hundred years later came King Constantine who accepted Christianity that grew into a forceful and strong faith that soon spread around Rome & in other parts of Europe.
In the 11th century, the Roman Empire stood split in two parts into west and east. The Western Roman Empire and the Western Church accepted Rome as their guiding light of faiths and polities. The Eastern Roman Empire was guided from Constantinople now called Istanbul. The Western Roman Church accepted its leader at Rome and called him the Pope who ruled over the entire Western Europe and Western Church. The followers of Pope are called the Catholice. The Eastern Church that split up did not accept Rome and Pope as their leader. Hence, Russia, Greece, Georgia, Syria, and some more Eastern European countries followed their own revised religious ideas.
Some strong feelings of Nationalism exhibit a natural tendency within humans. This brings about a sense of commonness among a group of humans when it is based upon some common gains to be made by the humans inhabiting some territory that is politically governed for them. It is not only but natural that a homogeneous society comes into being. A feeling of Nationalism is in fact an emotional upsurge that unites all people onto one society when the emotions involved work to uplift the humans inhabiting a territory governed in their intrests.
Indian society by virtue of sub-continent’s a large mass of land provide such basis. This singular geographical entity itself is responsible for unifying all its inhabitants to adopt and work for some common kind of social and cultural upliftment. On top of its, the great land mass with flowing rivers of water further provides such a National cohesion. Such factors are divinely given to the people of India. A great stretch of plains with one commonness provides to Indian people, not only a sense of unity but it delivers to one and all, a sense of fraternity. This is because of society’s common concern. This has over the centuries of time repened into a common cultural, social, economical and spiritual faith. The most important singular factor that binds a nation is the faith of people in their ancestry and religion. Put together, it is termed as ‘Nationality’.
Ancient Indian sages, their spirituals pursuits and messages of one world family (Vasu-devam Kutummbkam) have greatly contributed to the very thought process of one India. Max Muller, Dr. Annie Beasant and several other world leaders of the past have openly declared, India without Hinduism is unthinkable. An independent India and her people are thus divinely ordained to protect their spiritual chord of National unity in which social and cultural emotions in commonness can be seen. We have therefore to take particular care of Hindutva philosophy that provides such a strong force of one commonness. This in turn does have its roots in India’s ancient religion. The religion has its roots in the minds of every Indian. Any attack on this activity and faith shall therefore need a very strong fencing around the philosophical principles of the Vedas. It is from there that such feelings of Indian Nationalism and Hinduism have grown. The latter is not merely a faith or belief in any sort of Gospel’s spread and introduced by its thinker, but Hinduism is in fact a way of life lived by the Indian people since time immemorial. Indianism and Hinduism have thus to be unabashedly declared as synonymous. It is this singular factor that provides to India its real inherent strength of every sort. This is regardless of the method chosen for its political governance.
Any idea contrary to this is suicidal and hence must be opposed with all the strength that the people of India can muster. Unlike original Indian political thinker like Tilak, Lajpaat Raj, Vipin Chander Paul and other such like political Leaders of the generations, the recent political Leaders like Gandhi and Nehru in fact can under the influence of the British system of education. A clear change towards Westernism became noticeable in the Indian history. This began with Gandhi and Nehru both diluting their inner feelings towards Hinduism and in its place, they substituted prematurely a sort of secularism. Indeed, this affected the minds of the people of India. Nothing more could please the British Imperialists who desired Indian society to split into groups based on anything other than one religion. Hindus being in majority were to be taken special care of. India came to be finally balkanized into two separate independent nations of India and Pakistan. The latter stood further divided into Pakistan and Bangladesh. The drawing of the date of freedom from the British yoke was delayed only because of the success of Mr. Jinnha of the Muslim league who openly declared that Hindu and Muslims in India were two separate nations. This came to be called to be a Two Nation Theory. The British supported this. Those Hindu and Muslims who had lived together for past centuries suddenly mistrusted each other on religious grounds till an open demand for the Muslims to convert Hindu India (Darul Herb) into (Darul Islam) a State governed totally by the Muslims. It is thus, a clear defeat of the Congress Leaders that was responsible for the geographical division of the sub-continent into two different sovereign countries. Hence, with such a historical past, reemergence of the political situation this time created by the left over Muslims in India after the partition of the country, does definitely arouse the legitimate concern to the majority population of the Hindus in India. Indeed, Hindus are rightly apprehensive to ensure what is left of the sub-continent is not allowed to drift into Darul Islam once again. To wipe off any Darul Herb, is the declared policy of the Millat (Pan Islamic fraternity). This sort of gradual maturity can be seen in the Indian State of J & K. hence, unless Hindus ancient acting as one common Nation unite themselves into a strong Nation with it as its sole aim, the country does run a great risk in times to come to convert the whole of India into Darul Islam. Muslims do not and cannot accept any non-believer as equal to them and hence Modi of Gujarat is too right when he cautions Indian people UNITE to safeguard themselves from the Muslim invasion who are waiting only to convert India from Darul Herb to Darul Islam and now openly say and believe in HAM PAANCH- HAMARRE PACCHIS. Islamic propaganda is responsible for untrue Idea of murdering and robbing the innocent people. No god shall resort to reward for such abomination--- No god shall resort to sex and violence for securing followers. This is last blasphemous for being injurious to the concept of divinity. Muslims mutilating the genitals of girls. If this is inherent in the teaching of Koran, Muhammad had epileptic fits. The process accompanied by snoring and reddening of the face was mis- interoperated as a divine communication of Angel Gabriel from heaven. Khadija asked Muhammad to have a sexual intercourse with her and Gabriel disappeared. The ‘sexual intercourse test’ confirmed the divinity. The “hypocrites” had probably no preconceived notion of what a prophet should be like. The evil coalition of muslims fanatics, comunitics and pseudo secular media has launched a propaganda war against Hindus to defame India. Manorities in India enjoy complete freedom and equality and have full right for maintaining and spreading their culture, their educational institution are aided by government and their mosques are free from any government interference. Muslims recives a subsidyfor going on pilgrimage to mecca at the rate of Rs 16000/-per head. Killing captives in cold blood was cruel enough. The new creed, weakened old ties and strengthened his “ummah Consciousness”. The communism encouraged to denounced their parents to strengthened their “class consciousness”. Ideologies and attitudes lead to similar values and usages. This is Arab Imperialism. The Islamic brotherhood was junked the very day Muhammad died. The assassination of Imam Ali, the Son in Law, Imam hassan, the Grand son, Imam Husayn, Another Grand Son, Whose head was kicked like Football, the son of Husayn –Imam Zaynul- Abidin,Imam Muhammad –Baquir, his son Imam jafar Sadiq imam Musa Ouazim, Imam Rida, His Son namely Imam Muhammad Taqi, His son Imam Ali Naqi, his son Imam Hasan _I Aksari and his son Imam Mahdi for whom the Shias still believed that they disappeared on underground passage in Surra- man- Rao and are still alive. The geeration of Muslims killed each other over politics, which was generated by Muhammad.
A degree of ruthlessness is the inevitable, if the purity as well as the of Islam is to be sustained. Jihad was made as integral tenet of religion. It means to conquests and conversion of the conquered to islam. More Muslims than Kafirs, More faithful than infidels, collectively participated in Darul E Islam by conversion of Darul E herb. India from 1889 onwards was not invaded by any alien power, but it has been ruined by the Hindus Traitors providing their off springs to be enjoyed by these ruthless invaders for giving them the lust of power and as such most of the Rajputana dynasty in Rajasthan could have preserved their identity after ambulation of the property of Jat Rulers at Agra and Maurya Dynasty in Udaipur and Chittor with the help of Mogul conquers. The case of Rani Padamawati and thousands of her contemporized ladies and Maha Rani Laxmi Bai during British Period are the instances of the women pride, vigour in order to preserve their dignity from these agents of death and deserting Arab traditions. The scope of co existence in Muslim ideology with their Hindus counter parts is Sine quo non in secularist status, but Muslims profess the virtues of secularism as their tactics for their survival even after committing the onslaught upon the majority of the people. Each grave yard occupies at least 5 Sq. Yard of land in Darul e herb, even if the remains of the corpus after being eaten by the insects and degenerated into the naught. This is another method to capture the power by usurpation of the landed property belonging to Hindus. They suffer in their graveyards as even the reflex generated in the body through nervous system generates the feeling of mantle agony and frustration as a repercussion and painful reminders of the crime committed upon the innocent non violent Hindu society. This is a political agenda promulgated by the group of dacoits, robbers and to plunder non violent Hindus society of our nation. Combating terrorism, now being discredited by intolerant fanatics and opportunists politician, under whom ,the elite citizen, responsible for the executive functioning and the Investigating agencies responsible to protect the sovereign power of the State are knee down in anticipation of their posting for greasing their palm. This is the greatest problem of the world. It has become the threat to the Nations, who encouraged it during the process of the struggle of cold war, with fellow nation. The god of hated filled cult having its mandate to get the rid of the world of proclaimed “infidels” and “heretics”, are themselves struggling against their own weaknesses The kingdom of Arabia was formulated on the principles, that this world rejected all type of injustice, violence, breach of peace, bloodshed, murder and plunder. Jihad was defined after the battle of Bard. It is written in the “Kitbag al Tauhid”. The tomb of Prophet Muhammad was virtually destroyed in 1803 at Medina and People Stripped the Kaba at Makah. These people were declared Blasphemous. Virtually “Jihad”, which was earlier known as the struggle against oppression and rather a struggle against their own weakness, has started combating against their own people. There was the reformation. People disallowed ceremonies for marriage and death. They prohibited the worship of the saints, adorning of graves, tomb and monuments. They prohibited and provided the restriction upon holding religious processions, sharing art, music and dance and provided the proper place to women as their god only exposes fickleness of their minds. Most of the Muslim peers are flourishing, because of Hindus only, and will be shut if Hindus stop visiting them. The mosquitoes are flying in the air to drag the blood from the body of the defenseless Non violent citizen. Mosquitoes, even lesser in number, will suck the blood of Majority. They become the scorpions, if the number of carnivorous human being are proportionately increased to insufficient numbers. These people are viper snake converted to Cobra. The number of these poisonous reptiles Increased. Even, if they increased in quarter to the number of other community, they become pythons. Stop them from doing So in India, otherwise we will be buttered, as Hindus are Buttered in Bangladesh, Malaysia and Pakistan. The submissive nature of the Hindus is evident even today, even a single person of other faiths Hindus are credulous by nature. They simply believed what others said without suspecting the ulterior designs of the enemy. There were occasions when the idealist Hindu rulers sincerely honored a treaty or ceasefire in war but the crook enemy took undue advantage of their credulousness and captured them.
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